We want our pupils to flourish through fostering a love of learning whilst affording them the space to develop through ensuring they have all the support they need as pupils and young people. We are very proud of the pastoral care and spiritual well-being provided at Boundary Oak as it is absolutely critical to the values we hold dear.
At Boundary Oak we value and treat each pupil as an individual, allowing them to grow within a family community atmosphere, helping them to develop and grow whilst fostering an enjoyment of learning and promoting a ‘growth mindset’.
Pupil Voice
The coveted roles of Head Boy and Head Girl ensure the pupil voice is heard, through their prefect appointments and through their role of chairing the School Council.
All pupils have the opportunity to nominate themselves to become a member of the School Council and each form votes their member in. Pupils in Year 8 are given the chance to become Peer Mentors for Year 7 to enable a smooth transition to Senior School to be a smooth one. In addition to prefects, the school council and peer mentors, we also have the Pastoral Ambassador. This is a vital pupil role that forms the bridge between our staff pastoral team and the pupil body.
Our strong supportive family ethos ensures that we are aware of pupils pastoral needs and can provide guidance and support for each and every one of them. We have an excellent pastoral system headed by the Pastoral Deputy Head and supported by the Heads of Division, Head of Boarding, DSL, School Nurse and the nurturing form tutor structure. This structure is complemented throughout by our Circle of Care which enables all staff to manage the pupil’s well being, allowing the pupil to feel fully supported through every stage of their Boundary Oak journey.
Form Tutors and Tutor Time
In EYFS and Pre-Prep the Form Tutor plays a key role in providing pastoral care throughout the day. Any worries or concerns from both pupils or parents will be directed to the Form Tutor who will deal with the situation in a kind and compassionate manner.
As pupils progress into the Prep School (Years 4-6) and Senior School (Years 7-11) respectively, they will spend more time with specialist teachers but the role of the Form Teacher remains crucial. Throughout the school week we have dedicated Tutor Times which follow a structured programme including ‘Mindfulness Monday’, ‘Talking Tuesday’ , ‘Wonder Wednesday’, ‘Thankful Thursday’, ‘Feel Good Friday.’ In addition, this tutor programme is supplemented by visiting speakers and work shops, which cover a range of topics including bullying, relationships and mental health.