
Early Years and Reception

We would love for you to experience our Early Years in action! Please fill in the form and our Admissions Team will contact you to book a personalised visit.

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Early Years Foundation Stage is taught across the Little Acorns Pre-School and Reception years. This includes children from aged two to five.

We provide a broad and balanced curriculum that gives our younger children the opportunity to build a strong foundation for the transition into Pre-Prep. We work hard to help develop their confidence and self-esteem through a rich and stimulating learning environment.

We aim to harness our youngest children’s natural curiosity and enthusiasm in order to build, from the very beginning, an interest and confidence in learning. At this early stage, learning is based on wide-ranging experience, much of it through play and exploration, focusing on the following areas: Communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design.

The children have specialist teachers for French, PE, outdoor learning and music each week and have the opportunity of learning outside each day in their purpose-built play area which includes an assortment of outdoor resources to aid physical development.

Reception should be seen as a transitional phase during which the foundations are established and a move towards the more structured approach to learning of the National Curriculum begins to take place. By the end of the Reception year most children will have completed the Early Learning goals and along with an increasingly structured timetable, they are ready to make their transition into Year 1.

Pre-School admissions from 2 years old

Flexible wraparound care

Forest School and outdoor learning

Small class sizes and weekly specialist teaching

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